BCM241 Research Project Pitch

Navigating Hormones and Hashtags – Research Project Pitch

Media ethnography is focused on the context of the media, rather than the content itself. Through my ethnographic research, I will examine the intricacies of the media niche ‘Female Hormonal Health and Fitness’, including when and where people engage with content, and how it integrates into their everyday lives.

Taking an autoethnographic approach, I will conduct my qualitative research by following this process:


I chose this niche as I identify as part of its online audience. As a female with PCOS who is interested in health and fitness, I enjoy consuming this media online – it makes me feel empowered, educated and less isolated. The content is relatable on many levels – not only does it offer content specific to women with PCOS, it also covers the subjects of menstruation and hormone imbalances, and how they impact female wellbeing.


For this project, we are advised to produce the content we like to consume within the niche. Based on this, I plan to primarily create short-form montage videos and carousel style posts uploaded to TikTok, and then reposted to Pinterest. Following a schedule, this content will share my own experiences and the things I do to personally support my hormonal health (not for the purpose of education, rather, as inspiration/entertainment).


Despite the challenges ahead, I’m excited to gain a deeper understanding of a media niche that’s become a part of my daily life, and gain valuable insights into its dynamics, nuances, and wider impact.


  • Anderson, L 2006, ‘Analytic Autoethnography’, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 373–395.
  • Ellis, C, Adams, TE & Bochner, AP 2010, ‘Autoethnography: An Overview’, Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, vol. 12, no. 1.
  • Moore, C 2023, BCM241 Media Ethnographies – Qualitative Research and Ethnographic Skills Part Two, www.youtube.com, viewed 11 August 2023, <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28QmGs1ItF0&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fmoodle.uowplatform.edu.au%2F&source_ve_path=MjM4NTE&feature=emb_title>.
  • Daymon, C & Holloway, I 2011, Qualitative research methods in public relations and marketing communications, National Library of Australia (new catalog), 2nd ed, Routledge, New York, NY, pp. 145–163, viewed 29 July 2023, <https://catalogue.nla.gov.au/Record/4981692>.

5 responses to “BCM241 Research Project Pitch”

  1. jadebell48 Avatar

    Allie this pitch is very interesting! You hit the time limit on the money and effectively described the necessary aspects surrounding the skills you will use and what content you will be creating. I think it could be useful to expand on the content that is in the niche and what kind of creators you see – just for people who may not have an understanding as in depth as yours. You drew on class readings and made them relevant to your pitch. I think its a great project and I am excited to see what you produce!

  2. gabbygoldsmith Avatar

    This pitch is really great! Really impressive how you’ve already got a timeline for the semester on how you plan on researching and creating content – show’s you’re preparing for the heavy load of work you may face in the upcoming weeks.
    I’m sure you know quite a lot about this topic which is great, but for someone who doesn’t know much like myself it’s a little vague on what your topic actually is so my advice from a different perspective would be to explain everything in your DA, almost like you’re talking to a toddler!

  3. […] encourages others to dress the same or perhaps if it puts pressure on others to fit into that idea. Allie is looking at the niche surrounding hormonal health and females posting about it on social […]

  4. […] Firstly, let’s take a look at the feedback I received on my pitch… […]

  5. […] my first peer comment, I posted on Allie’s blog, where she explained her media niche of Female Hormonal Health and Fitness. I found this topic […]